A Prayer For Uncertain Moments

2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Lord, be with my husband during all his trials today. Remind us both that this is the day You have made and that You are going to lead us if we come to You before every decision. Help us, Lord, to face what comes without fear or worry, knowing You are with us always and that You have given us each challenge to grow us closer to You. We are so grateful, Lord, that we can have true and strong confidence because You have led us here and You are leading us to whatever comes next. You have promised to provide all we need and we are so so grateful that we know that includes All things, even skills and abilities, and we can rest in that knowledge. We are so thankful that You are removing any stumbling blocks from our paths and that You are bringing us into Glory and good success so that we can share Your Grace with others. Please, allow us to find a way to keep our jobs and do well in then. Allow us to do good work every day and be shining examples of using faith to get through hard moments. Remove the stumbling blocks that the Devil puts before us, save us when he would use his wiles to speak in our own heads, using those personal pronouns and saying “I can’t do this.” Because we know, Lord, that with You we can do all things, with Your power in us, we have already conquered this world.

  In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen

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