A Prayer For Those Women Who Turn From God’s Gift Of Children

Lord, I don’t pretend to know every bit of what this verse indicates! I know that the Grace which saves each person is Jesus and His given sacrifice, and that particular truth cannot be modified or taken away from.

But, Lord, I know my children have been key to my growing in relationship with You. They are the stretcher that grows my faith. They are dedicated tools that You send into a life, gifts of Your precious Heart!

I mourn for the women who refuse it, Lord, and I mourn for the lack of the true wisdom in our world that would show them the true value of Your offering us children.

I know none are more righteous than others, Lord, and we are each only made so at all through the blood of Your Son, covering us, but, Lord, this verse puts me in mind of sinners unaware of their need for repentance.

Open eyes here in this dark world, Lord, be the Light that illuminates these things among us. Help us to show each other, to speak out about all that is right and good.

Bless the Mothers, Lord, and help us bear up in sanctity, love, and self restraint, as You have called us to do. And save the childless ones, Lord, with Your precious gift of forgiveness, and then give them the children who will help stretch them into righteousness.

And Lord, open eyes of the ones who forsake Your gift, who murder their children in the womb, who abandon or neglect or scorn their children in life. Forgive them, Lord, as You are ready to forgive us all when we repent and seek You.

Even I, Lord, who uses birth control instead of trusting You. I need Your forgiveness for my unbelief, and Your help with it! Lord, You are the only and ever solution.

There’s nothing so great and wonderful as knowing You are Mighty to Save, and Ready to Forgive!

In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen

One thought on “A Prayer For Those Women Who Turn From God’s Gift Of Children

  1. I re- read this and realized how many more things could be added to the “even I” section. These life long blessings the Lord gives, we too often take for granted. Help me appreciate them like I should, Lord, each moment.

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