A Prayer For Hopeless Times

You, O Adonay, are good and forgiving, full of mercy toward everyone who calls out to you.

Psalm 86:5


We have no right to be hopeless when You love us so much! We, who deserve nothing so much as what we get for our own bad decisions, we get Your mercy instead.

We should be faced with judgment, in a fair world, for each of our sins. And instead, You sent us Your Son to create Justice between us.

How can we be hopeless, then, in the face of this world and its hard truths? When all we need to do is turn to You.

Just for the crying out, You hear us, You come to us, You save us! Only for the asking, You provide for us, You protect us!

Help us to seek Your face in the face of any hopeless thought. Help us to seek Your wings, and hide under them, in the face of any earthly trouble.

You alone, Lord, make us dwell in safety.

What freedom in that Truth!

In The Holy and Righteous Name of Jesus’, Amen!

Jesus Loved Me Anyway Part 4

The earth dries up and withers. The world wastes away and withers. The great leaders of the earth waste away.The earth is polluted by those who live on it because they’ve disobeyed the Lord’s teachings, violated his laws, and rejected the everlasting promise.

– Isaiah 24:4-5

I have always considered myself a Christian. But I actively turned people from Christ, I think, by accident of my own hypocrisy.

I was a person of the World and I loved God, I loved His saving Grace, but I loved mostly the safety and security I felt because I knew He had offered me forgiveness and I had taken it from Him.

Yes, what reassurance that is! Especially for me, a woman whose earliest memories are of a feeling of deep impending doom.

I was a well loved and well cared for child, but I was so aware of those around me who didn’t have things so wonderful. In a way it was early empathy, but at 4 and 5 years old, when this was happening, it was mostly just something to be afraid of. I knew I should be grateful for the blessed life I had but in the natural, all I knew how to do was fearfully worry that the big Bad out there would come for me soon.

I found the Lord at 7 and I reveled in that safety and that saving, but even then, it took me about 29 more years to even begin to step into the idea of working towards a mature relationship with God and in Christ.

I spent my time compartmentalizing myself so that I could be worldly, sarcastic, and some version of “cool” while doing things like drinking, drugs, looking at porn,trying to get my value through how desirable I seemed, or by being funny and sassy and often putting others down.

And then when I was alone in my room at night I would spend my time yet again terrified that the “good life” I was living would end up changing into some horror show.

I was cavalier, naive, inexperienced, and full of myself. I took on the Lord’s saving Grace and used it like a get out of jail free card. I had not taken on the actual responsibility of a relationship with God.

Because you see, when we are saved, it is glorious. But that saving comes along with a calling! And it isn’t a calling like the world thinks of them. It isn’t some desire of our hearts that if we follow it will bring us success in money or fame.

It is an imperative of the Spirit.

It is an intimate relational calling to do what is most important to the one you love most (Christ!).

In the same way we learn to love our spouse or child and we want to do what’s best for them, or best for our coming lives together, we are called to work for what is best for Christ’s kingdom through the love relationship we get to have with Him.

I didn’t know that because I was busy acting like Christ’s saving of my soul was something I owned and could just pull out for emergency use last minute!

And He loved me anyway!

He loved me enough to let me know that this was not going to be enough!

He loved me enough to show me (through hardships and rough times like I’d been so afraid of) that the relationship was what mattered!

Learning that saved me all over again.

My relationship with Christ began to blossom and grow every time I felt I had nothing else but Him.

When my parents divorce came along at 15, Jesus was there.

When my little sister was born and had cleft lip and palette, when that derailed every plan I might have as an adult, Jesus was there.

When I stupidly ran in fear from relationship with my own earthly Father because things got too hard and I didn’t know how to live up to expectations, Jesus was there.

When I made a really bad decision to get engaged to someone blow up in my face, Jesus was there.

When my husband and I had terrible times and feared divorce was the only way to relieve the pain, and at the same time my health failed for years with no answers in sight and I was forced to work on the codependence I’d developed with my mom, Jesus was there.

When the symptoms I’d had for years cascaded into a crazy nightmare of everything going wrong at once, while I had a new baby, when every time I used a muscle it weakened to the point of being paralyzed, when I was unable to walk or see or speak or almost to breathe, Jesus was there.

Every time I thought the world was ending and my life was over, Jesus met me there and reminded me that He is all I’ve ever needed.

This is how our relationship became real.

I came running to Him, desperate in need and just hoping one of the verses I’d sat upon so haughtily as my inheritance when I knew so little would help me feel better.

And every time, I find out that not only does Jesus and the word He gifted us make me feel better, it actually makes the world and the life and the body living it better.

I lived so much of my life thinking I didn’t need God, and He loved me anyway.

And when I ignored Him because I was sure I was fine, He loved me anyway.

And when I came screaming in begging for help because it turned out over and over that I was not fine, not at all, He still loved me anyway.

Jesus loves You this way, as well. No matter how haughty or ignorant or desperate, no matter your problem, He loves You and He’s ready to show you how much better your very worst times can be when you’re in relationship with Him.

Today I’m hoping that this desperate crisis I see in the world, the need that’s been growing in clamor for years and decades now, sea to sea, is the same kind of pain. The kind of birth pains that give way to a new deeper and more wonderful relationship with Christ! Imagine if we could have that for the whole world!

Let’s pray about it today!

Lord, Every time I go on my own way, You show me Grace and Mercy and let me go, knowing I’m being oblivious and that things would be better if I listened and continued to seek You first.

Every time I remember You are all that matters and that by seeking You all else is added to my benefit, You take me back under Your wings with open arms and no hesitation.

I’m so grateful! I cannot believe a love so huge and wonderful exists for me and that You offer it not only freely, but at every twist and turn.

Help me to keep seeking You, Lord, more and more consistently and to keep building this beautiful relationship with You.

And in that Lord, teach me to follow where You will lead me. Teach me to listen for the small still voice that will remind me of those imperatives. The call to share Your story, that I get to be a part of now. The call to help the hurting, and to direct them to the one who helps me. The call to walk in righteousness even when the world’s gone completely in the other direction. Even when the world persecutes us for it. And to remind ourselves as they do, that this call is more important than earthly troubles.

Lord, there’s no way to express how glad I am for Your offering me this relationship. How can it be that the most powerful being in the Universe, the beginning and end of all life and existence, would look down and choose little old me to a part of that story?

Help us remember today to seek You first, and leave all other concerns in Your mighty hands!

In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen!

A Prayer For A Nation Forgetting God

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Psalm 9:17

See This Link For A Deeper Dive on This


We have decided we can live without You! I sit and wonder what is wrong with us! How can it be, even in a broken world caused by sin and the whispering of fallen angels fighting to control Your people, even with those constant forces against us, I wonder how we can be so insolent and stupid!

We’re crying out to You daily, My Lord! My family and I speak of the glorious days to come when we’ll live with You. We console ourselves as we watch this world fall apart that no matter what this world can do to us, no matter how bad things can get, for a Christ Follower, all roads lead on to Glory.

But we despair for our friends and neighbors, for these You also love. For those asleep under the spell of this world.

Help us know, Father, how to minister to others. Teach us how to love them, show us how to tell each other of Your wonderful salvation! Remind us each day that THIS is the first priority and the main focus!

We must share Your warnings! This is urgent!

This world makes us all despair, but You are the cure for every problem. Let us spread that Good News!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

A Prayer To Remember The Battle Belongs to The Lord

There’s so much to be afraid of mentally as we all cower in our homes from a virus the government said we had to be afraid of. I’ve had it and add a super obese woman with chronic sinus and lung problems as well as a neuromuscular autoimmune disease, I can tell you it’s very much like any flu. Yes, all the other viruses we had before this killed us too. That has always been a tragedy, but never one so in the spotlight.

There’s so much to think about and worry over if we let ourselves. A current President who doesn’t seem to know what’s going on, who sent troops directly back into warzones we had left, who killed 50,000 jobs in his first few days as head honcho, who signed a blank paper on camera that they told us was an “executive action” while he said aloud on microphone “Don’t even know what I’m signing but okay”.

That’s not to mention all the things that have happened in the last year or last 20 years. That’s not to even bring up the countless interpersonal tragedies and hardships we’ve all faced as the world fell apart around us.

And we, as Christ followers, we look around and see, if we’ve asked God to open our eyes, if we are being wise as serpents as well as innocent as lambs: we see the lies. We see that things seem wrong. Our discerning Spirits say “Be wary, that’s not quite what it seems!”

And we sometimes think more information will fix it. So we begin to look into things, we research. We see more and more that’s disturbing to the Spirit. We see more and more that seems like a piece to a puzzle we’ve got no overarching picture of. Here’s quantum banking, war castles, rumors of new Independence. There’s parallel economies, forced vaccinations, RFID chipping, censorship, false news, real news, and so much more…

And it occurred to me today that none of it matters much. Not to we sovereign by God’s grace individuals.

What we need, and what we need to focus on is so simple.

Just keep seeing God’s Face. Simply turn your eyes on Jesus.

Only spend your time with the people right next to you, treating them as closely as you can to the way Jesus would ask you to treat them.

There’s no more needed than that.

In these ways we plant seeds for all Jesus stands for, Truth, Justice, Peace, Hope, Love, and the ultimate saving from a world constantly gone awry in too many ways for a human to understand.

Just put it all in His hands. Free your own for loving your family, helping your neighbors.

Go out and build communities where what we believe together in that community is of value becomes the treasured currency.

We have all power to exit any nonsense this world serves up as “rule” or “law” by merely serving the Lord himself and doing what we can to love those actually in our lives and neighborhoods.

Don’t worry about anything else. God will take care of the rest.

Let us remember today that even in a world we humans always seek to overcomplicate, the battle remains The Lord’s. See Verses about this here.

And he said, “Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s.

2 Chronicles 20:15

Yahweh is fighting for you! So be still!”

Exodus 14:14


Remind us that no amount of information mining will show us what You know. Nothing in this world that is not directly in our lives or power to change directly will be influenced by our knowing of it.

Let us seek You first and expect all things to be added unto us as You’ve said they will be. Help us to sink down into the Peace and calm of knowing You know and understand all, and that we don’t have to do so.

Let us remember that the battles is Yours. And help us to do our part to pray against the injustices we see, and to treat others as You’ve called us to. That is enough work for any of us on any day.

In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen

A Prayer For First Hand Faith

They told the woman, “Our faith is no longer based on what you’ve said. We have heard him ourselves, and we know that he really is the savior of the world.”

– John 4:42


So many of us are searching for any tidbit of hope these days. Second and third hand information is combed over and clung to just so people can try to feel a little better.

Remind us, Lord! Don’t let us forget! We can come straight to the source. We can hear straight from the Messiah in His own words!

Let us continually build our first hand faith by seeing what You do in our lives as we spend time with You. Let us hold our hope close, knowing it comes straight from You, Our Precious Lord, and Your direct Word to us.

What a wonderful gift! In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen!

A Prayer About Identity Priorities in America

If we were truly to stick to the principles of American values, each of us, when Big Government handed us a form that asked demographic questions would have one answer for all of them.
Male or Female? American
Race? American
Ethnicity? American…
I’m fully convinced the only reason we see so much rhetoric about color of skin and ethnicity and body style and sexual orientation from the Left is because the Devil is using them as a tool to keep people fully focused on their bodies, so they continue to neglect their and other’s Spirits.
Don’t get caught up in the World and your temporary body and think that’s all there is or that this is all you are.

The life of every living creature and the spirit in every human body are in his hands.

– Job 12:10

Yahweh is near to those whose hearts are humble. He saves those whose spirits are crushed.

– Psalm 34:18

A person’s pride will humiliate him, but a humble spirit gains honor.

– Proverbs 29:23

God is a spirit. Those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

– John 4:24


Let us remember that the most important part of us cannot be seen or put in a mental box. The most important part of us is limitless, because it is a part of You!

Please, Lord, help us today to see ourselves and others more the way You see us. Help us to love each other more that way too.

In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen

A Prayer Of Praise That The Lord Knows The Truth

A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need.

– John 10:10

I see your mercy in front of me. I walk in the light of your truth.

– Psalm 26:3

I have not buried your righteousness deep in my heart. I have been outspoken about your faithfulness and your salvation. I have not hidden your mercy and your truth from those assembled for worship.Do not withhold your compassion from me, O Yahweh. May your mercy and your truth always protect me.Countless evils have surrounded me. My sins have caught up with me so that I can no longer see. They outnumber the hairs on my head. I have lost heart.O Yahweh, please rescue me! Come quickly to help me, O Yahweh !Let all those who seek to end my life be confused and put to shame. Let those who want my downfall be turned back and disgraced.Let those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!” be stunned by their own shame.Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad because of you. Let those who love your salvation continually say, “ Yahweh is great!”

– Psalm 40:10-16

A thief can steal a wedding ring, that won’t make him the Bridegroom.

What can we do to live in a world where all around us we see people defacing the Lord’s truth?

How do we live with Evil all around?

Do we just try to live in it being as Godly as we ourselves can privately be? Do we hide the Lord’s treasure in our hearts and hold our salvation to ourselves?

The only thing to do, I think, at this point, is to speak the real Truth, Jesus’ Truth, right here in our homes, in our neighborhoods, in our communities.

We can use the real person to person influence we have in real life and tell each other the full truth of the love and saving Grace of Jesus.

Don’t leave your friends off the only possible lifeboat we have.


Help us to know each day how to live in this brokenness. Show us the way to pass Your Truth to others in this desolate land. Let us call others to the lifeboat that we cling to.

In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen

A Word of Encouragement in Hard Times

Sometimes God allows our plans to be ruined. Often in the Bible He allowed whole empires to be destroyed. He purposed them to be destroyed, even!

The Lord doesn’t suffer fools who ignore Him and go along building their own plans for long.

And yet, for His people, who seek His face, every discipline is for our good!

Every time we find our plans foiled, or see what we have labored towards fall apart, we can wait still in Faith! This is when God is working on our hearts and minds and helping us see when we need a directional change!

Don’t turn your back on God when He redirects your plans for His purposes. When we submit ourselves for the kind of sacrificial love that He offers, it will happen.

He absolutely will discipline us back to His path. And if we can allow it, submit to His guidance, and continue to humble ourselves and pray, we will soon see the why of it. We will find ourselves on the other side, looking back at the goodness God has brought us to through hard times.

Persevere in Faith, Friends! And continue to heap praises and thanks on the Lord who loves us enough to show us a harder route when He knows it will improve us in the end! He has no doubt He will get us through it, and we should not either. The Lord knows we can do hard things well, with our eyes on Him.

When the Lord gives His promises judgment on a place, there is no stopping it once He has said so. But you, friend, can call out to who you can in this world! Tell them of their only chance for true saving from the wrath of God, and from the horrors the world has made for itself!

Share the real Truth with someone today.

‘This is what Yahweh says: I’m going to bring disaster on this place and on the people living here according to everything written in the book that the king of Judah has read.I will do this because they have abandoned me and sacrificed to other gods in order to make me furious. Therefore, my burning anger directed at this place will never be extinguished.’”Huldah added, “But tell Judah’s king who sent you to me to ask Yahweh a question, ‘This is what Yahweh Elohim of Israel says about the words you heard:You had a change of heart and humbled yourself in front of Yahweh when you heard my words against this place and those who live here. I had said that those who live here will be destroyed and cursed. You also tore your clothes in distress and cried in front of me. So I will listen to you, declares Yahweh.That is why I’m going to bring you to your ancestors. I’m going to bring you to your grave in peace, and your eyes will not see any of the disaster I’m going to bring on this place.’” So they reported this to the king.

– 2 Kings 22:16-20

But the blood on your houses will be a sign for your protection. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. Nothing will touch or destroy you when I strike Egypt.

– Exodus 12:13

However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country.

– 2 Chronicles 7:14

We are all due Godly judgment. We are all sinners who do wrong and live in shame and can only be saved by the blood of the lamb slain for us. We all may simply have that rescue for our asking, if we humble ourselves, pray, and repent.

Ask Him today! Follow the Lord with all of your heart, and look to those around you, showing as best you can how God in your heart improves life step by step.


I’ve seen the fruits of the Spirit in my life! Hallelujah! You have taken me from a pompous woman who used Your name like a shield for my shame, but did not submit to Your changing in my heart, to a woman who truly lives for You.

You brought me low through showing me the results of my own sin. You allowed thorns in my side when they would make me cling harder to You.

You held my hand as You opened my eyes to my own failures and two faced ways and You showed me the truth of my own hiding heart.

Lord, I am humbled. I see the glory of Your workings in my broken heart, and how You could not be glorified when it was instead a prideful one!

Lord, let me share Your light with others and not just bask in it myself. Help me to know how and when and in what ways to do that. And remind me when my eyes see too clearly the terrors of this world, that You are the warm safe place to run and hide myself in!

Rock of Ages, Cleft for me!

How can I be anything but grateful?!
