A Prayer of Thanks and Praise When I Fail

They traded God’s truth for a lie, and they worshipped and served the creation instead of the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. – Romans 1:25

I admit, one of the things I struggle with the most is learning good stewardship. I find that I almost always fail to follow God’s ways if they involve money. I had been getting a bit desperate in my prayers about this lately. My husband and I are always trying so hard to improve our stewardship, keep tithing, pay off our debts, and remember when we spend that this is money God provided us by His Grace in giving us jobs… but it’s still so hard sometimes. Or rather so easy to get behind again and again. And I try to make myself feel better by reminding myself that we always do better than we used to, that we’ve never as far behind as we used to be, but all of that just indicates that we are not actually giving up our struggles into God’s hand. When God is in control, I don’t need to justify, I am justified through Him. Not only that, but I start to get nervous and panicky and think that there must be something I’m not doing right, some key I have yet to find that will give me the self control to always stay within my budget. And then I realize, all that is needed for all of this, to become the person I know God is leading me to be is to keep studying His Word and following His path through prayer and that study. It is such a relief!

On that note, will you pray with me?

Lord, I fail almost all the time to be a good or even adequate steward with the funds You give my family. I see myself falling short so often and I get frustrated and feel like giving up, but then Father, I remember that You have saved me, by Grace. I remember that I can thank YOU for all the times I’ve done better, for all the moments I’ve avoided temptation, and I can Thank You because You will be there in future, disciplining me and testing me over and over so that I can improve and grow. I thank You for every low moment You’ve gotten me through already (all of them!) And all the low moments too l know You’ll help me through as I continue to study Your Word and grow in Your Love and Grace. Thank You mostly, Lord, for the rest You provide so that I may praise You even in another minor storm. Praise Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen

A Prayer For God To Work a Poor Situation For Our Good

Dear Lord,

I’m off to the lawyer this morning and I pray you go along with me. Please let what we are about to start be a good thing for our family. I do believe that it is necessary and I believe that you can turn any situation into something that works for our good and I pray you do so for us today. Lord, these times when we face bad situations of our own making are harder, in some ways, than when we face bad situations that come from the world. Lord, I must ask your forgiveness today for not being a good steward of the resources you have given my family. I pray you are with me in my efforts to do better after this. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Romans 8:28

New International Version (NIV)

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.


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