A Prayer Over My Financial Life

1 Corinthians 16:2
On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.


Lord, We want so badly to be free, Free as You have promised You’ve already made us, but this world drags us down and makes us feel prisoner to material things, greed, and money. Please, Lord, help us to keep our eyes above that horizon line when it comes to personal finance. Remind us, Lord, that all is provided by You. You are the supply, Lord, and we are so grateful, so humbled You bless us so plentifully. But, Lord, we fail, again and again in our ability to be good stewards for You and all You bless us with! Help us to be better, Lord. Remind us to seek You first, when we pull out our wallets as well as in our every other decision. Lord, we know we need only look to Your word for all the instruction we need for financial decisions, but we allow our emotions to rule. We seek satisfaction in worldly things, Lord, and not in You. We are so wrong in this, Lord, and we know it. Only You can correct us in this, and we pray You will. We seek Your correction, Your instruction, and Your guidance in our future decisions, Lord. Help us to follow Your path in this, as well as in all other areas of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Prayer To Speak In Love


Psalm 37:8- Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.



I come to You humbly repentant today. I find myself too often using harsh words with others and feeling frustrated. My temper lights like a match scraping sand paper and I hate it. I try to put it away from me, as Your Word says to do, but I am finding it such a struggle. I want to be a good wife and mother, and I want to show these people I love so much how I do appreciate them, and instead I find every moment a fight with the devil. Please, Lord, strike him down and put him behind me as only You can do. Stop these tantrums in my head. Lord, help me to cultivate a kinder voice. Help me to quiet the negativity swirling in my mind so that it doesn’t spill over on to others. Lord, help me, as only You can. Make in me a new heart, one which is healed from past hurts, one which is clean of future worries. Lord, allow me to say more loudly the loving things I think, to act on the sweet impulses in my heart, and to stop acting on the grouchy, irritated, anger that I know You can put down. Help me to speak in Love, help me to come together with my family from a loving place, even in frustrating situations. Help me to put a voice to the times when I need help, and allow me to remember that it’s okay to have emotions, but I am in control of them. My spirit is separate from the feelings of my body and mind and it can overcome any of the negativity I may see. Lord, help me to change what I need to change in myself to make a more loving home and life for my family.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen