Lord, Be Our Hiding Place, And Our Strength, In Times Like These


We see videos of people being treated badly in small ways that make them feel terrible.

We see parents trying so hard to do the right thing but unsure of what that might be, or quite how to make other decisions.

Help them, Lord, help us all.

We can make other choices, if we stand in Your strength. There are things that seem impossible, unreachable, like keeping our children home and out of places following illegal government mandates, or their own ideas of what should be taught, in ways that would in other days be called child abuse.

Help us to step out in faith, Lord, knowing we may lose jobs, but we will never lose Your provision. Help us to remember that You care so closely for each animal, each generation that came before us, and for us as well.

You, The God Who Began All Things, will go before us, will hear us when we turn to you and plead for help! Let us know that so deeply that we step out in Faith and rely on You as we steadfastly go where You lead us.

Protect these children, Lord, hold them fast and let us show them that You are every answer, every time.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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